
Online bookings are made under the below terms and conditions and management of your private and confidential information. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe.

Allied Health and Wellbeing Service

As part of providing a psychological health and wellbeing service to you, Blue Turtle Psychology needs to collect and record personal information from you that is relevant to your current situation.

Purpose of Collecting and Holding Information

The information is gathered as part of the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of the client’s condition, and is seen only by the Psychologist, Doctor or relevant Allied Health Professional. The information is retained in order to document what happens during sessions, and enables the Psychologist, Doctor and Allied Health Professional to provide a relevant and informed service.

Access to Client Information

At any stage you as a client are entitled to access to the information about you kept on file, unless the relevant legislation provides otherwise. Your clinician may discuss with you appropriate forms of access. Client information is generally stored electronically and only accessible by authorised employees or practitioners. While every effort is made to ensure your data remains in a data centre within Australia this may not always be the case.


All personal information gathered by your clinician during the provision of the service will remain confidential and secure except where:

1. It is subpoenaed by a court, or
2. Failure to disclose the information would place you or another person at serious and imminent risk; or
3. Your prior approval has been obtained to:

  • provide a written report to another professional or agency. e.g. a GP or a lawyer; or

  • discuss the material with another person, eg. a parent or employer; or

  • if disclosure is otherwise required or authorised by law.

Access to client information is limited to administration staff, professional advisors if required in a strictly confidential manner, another health professional if required by way of handover or third party professional consultation and finally the Clinic Director to ensure that the highest levels of professional treatment is provided.

Potential risks and limitations of Online Therapy

While there are many benefits from online therapy it is also important that you are aware of the following:

  • Potential limits to privacy and confidentiality. While we provide secure communication there have been computer viruses or hacking, which have exposed even governmental and banking data. Whilst we have never had an issue with this when conducting online sessions, it needs to be noted for your consideration. The same confidentiality principles apply to on-line therapy as in person therapy in terms of sharing of information and storage of notes.