Welcome to my blog!
I am a Clinical Psychologist and Certified Eating Psychology Coach who has a passion for helping women free themselves from the eating challenges and health issues of our times.
My blog is full of tips, ideas, strategies, stories and resources to help you on your way.
I hope you find it helpful!
Yours on the journey to wellness!
3 Helpful ways to Improve Body Acceptance
Body acceptance might literally feel like the most challenging thing you could ever imagine doing. AND yet, these are the vessels that contain the essence of who we are. All our love, hope, dreams, and desires are contained within this vital human suit. Without it we wouldn’t exist.
10 life-changing decisions that will help you stop struggling with dieting, food, and your body image – Part 2
How did you go with last week’s 5 decisions? Did you give yourself time to go through these points and figure out how they apply to you?